Marketing strategy development

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Choosing a marketing strategy begins with market research. Its task is to determine the capacity of the market, main competitors, the segments in which they operate, consumer preferences.

There are several methods for studying the market: expert assessments, interviews, questionnaires, collection of open statistics, and others. The choice of research method depends on your goals and objectives.

Usually the study takes place in two stages:
- Preparatory, which includes the choice of methods, the development of questionnaires, coordination with the customer.
- Field when data collection begins. Data is collected both online and in person through interviewers (depending on the tasks).

The result of the study is a report. With it, you can draw conclusions about the attractiveness of the market, choose free segments, or refuse to enter this market
Choosing a marketing strategy begins with market research. Its task is to determine the capacity of the market, main competitors, the segments in which they operate, consumer preferences.

There are several methods for studying the market: expert assessments, interviews, questionnaires, collection of open statistics, and others. The choice of research method depends on your goals and objectives.

Usually the study takes place in two stages:
- Preparatory, which includes the choice of methods, the development of questionnaires, coordination with the customer. The result of the study is a report. With it, you can draw conclusions about the attractiveness of the market, choose free segments, or refuse to enter this market.
- Field when data collection begins. Data is collected both online and in person through interviewers (depending on the tasks).
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